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Artist: David Carson
Soundtrack: Jackson Mouldycliff
Medium: Bluray and standard HD video
Size: 1920p x 1080p HD (H264 codec)
$50 for a limited edition DVD (edition of 100) each signed, with original artwork packaging.
Download a hi-res mp4 version on request payable with Paypal.
Please contact David Carson -

THE TRIP dave carson
Director and Producer David Carson
This work is a continuation of my interest in a technique originally developed by renowned cinematographer Douglas Trumbull for the Star Gate sequence in the film 2001- A Space Odyssey. The video makes use of new imaging technologies such as 360º video, which I used to capture sequences in London and Liverpool on a visit to the UK in 2018. Hence the title, The Trip.
Soundtrack by UK composer Jackson Mouldycliff.
The sound composition has been created in direct response to the images and ‘found’ sounds and voices, which are then interwoven into a tapestry of sonic textures and electronic drones.
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