Background to the Fellowship
“an exploration of the unique landscape of Western Australia, looking at the physical and cultural factors that have shaped it’s plant diversity.”
I divided my time on the different aspects of the project, working in four stages corresponding to the release periods of funds in separate blocks throughout the year. This also corresponded with the time allocated to mentorships and visits, working with Noel Nannup, Paul Bourke and Brian McClave.
The fellowship gave me a fantastic opportunity to move forward in a number of areas of my practice; physically, in terms of skills acquisition, through the mentoring process and spiritually through gaining access to and spending time with some very remarkable people.
These include both the people I nominated in my original application and additionally, Professor Stephen Hepple, Amanda Nellar and Paul Houghton. (Photos: David Carson)

Dr. David Deeley, Peter Nellar and John Reed

Amanda Nellar Director of QCumber studios and Paul Houghton

Brian McClave, Director Site-Eye UK at the Royal Botanical Gardens Kew, UK

Dr. David Deeley, Peter Nellar and John Reed
People - photos: David Carson