Fellowship Book

In April 2013 I spent five days in the Hayden area of Western Australia near Wave Rock, with access to Mulka’s Cave. I chose this area for its accessibility and as a test site to make 360º panoramas with a view to compositing Noel Nannup into this place using green screen technology. This is still a work in progress due to issues regarding ownership of the stories connected to these sites

I experimented with alternative ways to create immersive environments for indigenous storytelling with Noel Nannup. I made contact with Amanda Nella at qCumber Studios and this then became the base for a series of sessions with Noel telling stories related to environmental issues and Noongar elder lore. The relationship with qCumber Studios developed into an initiative bringing together a range of people interested in the transformative possibilities of immersive storytelling. This developed int

360º panorama inside the bandstand on Brighton promenade. One of many experiments I did in the UK with vertical fisheye capture of locations for dome projection.

In April 2013 I spent five days in the Hayden area of Western Australia near Wave Rock, with access to Mulka’s Cave. I chose this area for its accessibility and as a test site to make 360º panoramas with a view to compositing Noel Nannup into this place using green screen technology. This is still a work in progress due to issues regarding ownership of the stories connected to these sites