The Hydrodome is a 6 metre high - 4 metre wide air-inflated portable dome with an internal projection system. To be viewed from the outside at night
S T R E T C H E D video David Carson
HYDRODOME video David Carson
STRETCH ARTS FESTIVAL 2018 Mandurah City Council
These films, along with the soundscapes, shown at the 2018 Stretch Arts Festival in:
1. a projection dome that members of the public are invited to enter and immerse themselves within.
2. a projection dome that members of the public are invited to look at from the outside in the evening.
These multi-layered artworks are collaborations with the community of Mandurah and Peel who have contributed alongside internationally recognised and award-winning artists David Carson, Bernadette Lewis and Justin Wiggan. Presented at the 2018 Stretch Arts Festival.
Thanks to the Wardong dancers, the staff and residents of Mercy Place, Mandjoogoorap Dreaming, participants who danced, swam and donated sounds, and Jen and Mick Hurley who kindly let us use their pool for early experiments." Stretch Arts Festival Program.
David Carson's Video Dome in action in the Foyer of the Mandurah Performing Arts Cente at the Stretch Arts Festival 2018
The making of S T R E T C H E D
John Reed video production
Bernadette Lewis performing with the Hydrodome and dancers in the dark at the Stretch Arts Festival 2018